How Being Exceptional Keeps You Excited

100 Ways To Be Motivated Be Exceptional

Good morning. It is Wednesday. And we are here to talk about how to stay motivated that today’s topic is going to seem like a little bit like what Tracy, how does that keep me motivated? Well, today the motivational tip that we’re going to talk about is to seek to be exceptional. Don’t just seek to be good. Don’t just seek to be great, but seek to be exceptional in every area of your life and see what happens now. I know I said, you guys growing up, how has that, how does that motivate me? I’m tired, trying to be good, or I’m trying, I tired of trying to be great. And I get it right, because when we seek to be exceptional, when we seek to keep next leveling ourselves, something incredible happens. We do it. We set out, to do it we set our sights on something and we do it now.

Sometimes we fail, right? But sometimes we don’t get exactly where we want to go, but by setting our sights to be exceptional, we grow, we learn, we do things. We never thought that we were going to be able to do it. And I’m going to use an example from this past weekend because I’m so, so, so proud. I’m going to share my screen real quick. I am so proud of, um, this group, this particular group of young ladies, because we had a tournament here, um, in Fayetteville and they did exactly that they sought to be exceptional and they actually were. They won. I’m trying to find this picture. I know I pulled it up. They won first place for the team demo form. Now what makes it so amazing? Ish? What? I don’t know what the word is, but what makes it even more amazing is a few things.

Uh, number one, number one, uh, the group of ladies, they only had like one Friday night to practice altogether. Okay. So they had one Friday night to practice altogether. Some of them knew the whole form. Some of them didn’t know the whole form. Some of them had to learn it. And then they took a form that we do and completely changed how they did it. Right. So let me share my screen real quick. And then I will show you a picture of these mate. Maybe not these amazing ladies, if it will let me share my screen. Oh, there it is. Okay.

Speaker 1:

There they are right there. Ms. Lillian was Marianne was Meredith and Ms. Kimmy, they won that big trophy. And now we get to defend our title at the next tournament. Right? So that, that was what they are saying in our schools. Be exceptional period. Be exceptional, be amazing. Be you. That’s why we talk about us. Why do we say it all the time? Cause I want it in everyone’s minds. That exceptional is on the table. Being exceptional is on the table. You can do it. You are already amazing. You can be exceptional. So they did that. They did the form. Look on our Facebook page for the video. They took a form we have been practicing for a few months and they changed it. They were going in different directions. They were coming in at each other. They were away from each other. They had their backs to each other and they were completely in sync.

And they said those staffs were going so fast. It sounded like a lightsaber. It sounded like how cool was that? Now they push themselves to be exceptional and I’m proud of them. Their parents are proud of them, but compared to how proud of themselves they are through the roof, through the roof, it was just, it’s just such an amazing thing that you do for yourself when you set this as a standard. So that is your challenge. That is your motivational challenge today. Your motivational challenge today is to try one. Did you one thing and set the standard at exceptional and tell and tell me how that feels and see how that feels and see how great you feel and see how people around you react. Because they also, as they were like, and then, and then Mr. Hoppe, when, when everything was all the, all the crowd was like, oh, oh, oh.

And then they were talking about how, how, when, they, they smack their staffs together in the middle. The crowd was like, Ooh. And they loved it. They love the energy that they were getting. They love the reaction to the crowd they felt, and they should feel like rock stars. So create that for yourself today. Yes, it is scary. It is scary. But step out there, take that first step, take your first step towards exceptional and see how motivated you are. See what things you can create that you didn’t think that you could do before. That’s what you’re going to find on that path. So be exceptional, be amazing. Be you– go surprise yourself in the world today and I will see you here next Wednesday. This entire process is outlined in my book How To Punch Failure In The Face available on Amazon.


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