How to live your life by different rules part 3
Last month we had our GAMECHANGER event, and it brought me one step closer to demonstrating how martial arts is used by me as a personal development tool. We had a great time and invited Roxanne Modafferi, a retired UFC fighter to help us demonstrate our last principle.
Today, I am going to share with you the last of the success principles that we taught (without the cool martial arts moves) and that is how making small changes can have a BIG impact.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
Surprisingly for most of us, it is not a lack of talent or skills that will stop us from achieving our goals. Usually, when we start to think about doing a big project we get lost thinking about all of the steps to get there and we get overwhelmed. Or, when taking a step toward something that we have been wanting to create someone we know tells us we can’t do it. For the same reason when deciding to try something new, we get overwhelmed before we start and then we freeze. This is when you need to implement this principle.
Identifying what is stopping you is key, so you know where to make the changes.
Do you need a Shift in Attitude? This involves a change inside of you. This kind of shift looks at how you think. In addition to what kind of self-talk you use on yourself. Finally, impacts how you feel about the person you are right now, and the person who you’re becoming.
Do you need a Shift in Action? This involves looking at what you’re physically doing. This kind of shift looks at the life you live externally – both on a small scale (at home or work) and on a large scale (in your community or to better your world.)
Don’t Try And Change Too Much
Where most people make their mistake is they make massive changes that they can not keep up and then they fail. Here are a few ways to change your FOCUS to make a BIG impact on your life.
Focus on DOING instead of THINKING. Working hard on things that don’t matter won’t help anyone reach their highest potential, so ensure you’re spending your time on the most essential activities. Although certain activities and tasks are less appealing than others, completing those tasks is what makes your achievements worth it in the end.
Decide to become the best possible version of yourself. Find a mentor and make an intelligent plan. Work that plan to the best of your ability and don’t stop taking action.
Do More of What You Are Good At Doing
Focus on using your STRENGTHS. Make choices based on what is, not what might be or what you think it will be in a few months. Instead, make your choices based on now. What are your strengths right now? What can you do right now? This gives you an opportunity to realize that you can do something and that your weaknesses really don’t matter. Success is based on who you are and what you know right now, not what you don’t know.
Focusing on your strengths doesn’t mean you have permission to give up if something is challenging or if you have a roadblock. It just means you must find a way around the hard part to get to the good part.
Take Action and Do What You Can
Focus on what you CAN DO. There will always be parts of a job that you will not like doing or an aspect of going after your goal that will scare you.
You can do more than you think. Remember, you can always push yourself just a little farther than you think you’re capable of going. One more push-up, one more page of a book, one more step on your walk. You can always find a way to get it done. How will you change your focus to get different results?
Until next month, go and Be Exceptional, Be Amazing, and Be You! (Be Baby!)
Tracy Huff, Owner of Family Martial Arts Academy/Instructor/4th Degree Black Belt/Veteran and Author. Part of this article is from “How To Punch Failure in The Face” available on Amazon. Listen to our podcast, “How To Punch Failure in The Face” on Anchor.